Welcome to my RSC Journal!
A short story:
- For the first time, I started playing RuneScape Classic on 24th November, 2024, and I chose OpenRSC to play since it stays true to the original game that was shut down in 2018, with bug fixes that Jagex never addressed. Then, because of the holidays and wanting to spend time with family, I took a one-month break and rejoined OpenRSC on 3rd January, 2025. I am playing on the Preservation server.
My current Equipment in OpenRSC:
Combat Leveling:
it is marked with DD/MM/YYYY
10/10/10 - 25/11/2024
20/20/20 - 26/11/2024
30/30/30 - 28/11/2024
35/35/35 - 5/1/2025 (After break)
40/40/40 - 9/1/2025
Useful Links:
Wiki I am looking at for everything - https://classic.runescape.wiki/
OpenRSC Preservation Price Guide - Originally made by Dark Cat, maintained by Jiklim.